

EsyWorld plans 2018 channel program

After obtaining growth in 2017 in sales and resales, distributor wants to establish itself as the main VAD of the Country

Before a crisis there are those who see difficulty, there are those who see opportunity. EsyWorld, VAD (Brazilian value-added distributor) specialized in security, decided to follow in 2017 at the same rate of expansion of the last years. As companies cut their budgets and cut talent, in 2017, Esy went against it and continued to invest: it has hired in all departments and plans to hire more this year.

With 100% indirect sales and a channel consisting of 3,000 resales, Esy saw 2017 as a strategic year. It included 3 new brands in its portfolio (Ipswitch, BlackBerry and AlienVault), increased its reseller base, strengthened its performance in the Enterprise sector and increased the participation of the EsyGov unit. In the area of ​​government, the company led and assisted its channel in a project together with Kaspersky in the Navy, Army and Aeronautics.

In addition to having on the radar for the next five years the increase in Latin American participation in its projects, Esy wants to establish its role as VAD in Brazil, aiming to be the main in the Country. Cloud projects and mobility are the main focus. According to Luis Rogério Moraes, commercial director of EsyWorld, the company should close more distribution agreements soon, at least two to complement the security portfolio.

The company plans to inaugurate its channel program in the first half of this year. As yet unnamed, the program will categorize resellers into four categories. "Today the resellers are responsible for the category that are in the programs of the manufacturers that we have partnership," explains Moraes.

In addition to the eGov unit, Esy has a channel-oriented operational structure that encompasses pre and post sales marketing and support units. There is also a unit responsible for promoting training, certifications and support for business plan and support in projects with manufacturers. First distributor of Kaspersky in Brazil, the company brought to Brazil the Kaspersky Official Center, to offer certified technical training.

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